Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The race towards Amazing Race Asia II

What a whirlwind weekend and week it has been... And it's only Tuesday.

We have approximately 48 hours to complete and send in the Amazing Race Asia II ( TARA II) video & applications off to Singapore. Okay, we - as in Han San ( ahem - Jeff as he is known to others ) and me.

And we are already, so tired from the planning, running around and filming for a 3 minute video. It is harder when the both of us are working and we have to accomodate our camera man's ( kudos to Matt ) time, whilst trying hard to catch whatever daylight that we have. And the headaches of changing scripts because of impromtu learnings about each other and nuggets of ideas that popped up
along the way .

Why so last minute - wan?!
Well, last Thursday, during our daily MSN chat, Yuez told me that the entry for Amazing Race Asia II closes on the 30th March 2007. She's joining TARA II with Nut, and so why donch I try too? ( She is also instigating me to climb Mt KK next year ).

It might be a spur of a moment thing, but the very situation i'm in right now, I need to feel alive again.

Opportunity comes to those who seeks it.
I met up with HS that Thursday night, his treat for my 28th birthday ( a week late, cos Mr. Superacheiver here was climbing KK the week before ).

During dinner he was rattling off his holiday plans, whilst i was comparing notes with him on where we could co-incide countries. It's really ironic, that our travel plans never co-incide. We were always at the similar places / countries but different months. Top of the list complains.. we are always broke. At the end of all the travelling - say good bye to branded bags, shoes, hi-tech gadgets, not to mention the home - pack-lunches-to-work to save money.

Half way through our yummy iron pot rice ( you gotta try it at Sugimotos! ), i asked :
"Eh.. let's do Amazing Race Asia lah! Win already, can travel FREE mah.."

So that's when the mad rush begin.
Calling Chris after dinner, bugging her about ideas on the video that we have to do, calling Shane to speak to Andre to ask "from a directors POV...", texting Long to pick his brains on what would excite the audience.

All that phone call.. All that chatting.. When the idea for the video has always been something that is obvious to both of us.

The idea was conceived after 4 glasses of wine at work and a night out at Somo. HS hijacked the video camera and kidnapped his friend Matt as videographer ( poor Matt, being bitten by mossies and enduring our bickering ). Bad planning ( my bad.. after all the years of sitting through Pre Production Meetings, i didn't plan this "shoot" efficiently ), HS was late and frantic search for location left us high and dry. Me and my impatience showing as we try to catch the remaining bits of daylight. Sigh of relief after i checked with Yuez & Nut's team that they too haven't quite finish their video.

oh, HS celebrates his 28 today.
He sure has a great birthday - spending the night editting the first part of the video.
Up at 6am, we were ambitious to finish our video. Did i say ambitious? That was it, because we only managed 75% of it. 25% more to go, 48 hours deadline. WOOOOHOOOO... i love it. Adrenalines rushing. Tension mounting.

HS told me today : "I had forgotten, but now I remember, how impatient you are". I realised that through this Video, it is a good test to see if you and your partner can heck each other's idiosyncrasies.

Even if we don't make it through to the auditions, we both have a substantial amount of self discovery and learning, priceless as this was like a shortcut to learning about one's strengths & weaknesses.

Ironic as it may seem, me the dreamy, emotional girl, laid back & often cruising through life, when push comes to shove for work or a project, i turn impatient, kan cheong & timeline obsessed person.
While he, super achiever, go getter and always on the move, when push comes to shove, approaches things calmly, a little laid back so he can think things through and very patient indeed with my antics.
What an oxymoron.

A little teaser...

Tell you guys more when we next meet! Good news to share i hope.
Very very excited about the video.

By the way.. Chris is in the BLOG HOUSE too.


Anonymous said...

Very well summarised for our TARA II preparation. We have definitely taken our friendship to a new level. Hopefully, we'll make it into TARA II and it would be fun to see how we would work together on this "all-expense-paid" roadtrip. I'm sure it would be more exciting than riding any rollercoasters in the world.

Fruit of Eden said...

well.. first, we have to finish the video... then survive the midnight edittings..then we can drink ourselves silly in Vintry on Wed night!